Training to the point

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MVP out this week! We feel like winners!

Drumroll, please! We have given birth to something new and exciting at our Wonderland office. In case design jargon threw you off, MVP stands for ‘minimum viable product’ and for us in this case it means sample content modules on a virtual learning platform. We have created modules and lessons, and we are now surveying our test audience on their experience. Hearts are pounding and the excitement is palpable as we are waiting for the results. 

Lektor has taken the bull by the horns and decided to focus on online solutions in order to make modern learning methodologies a golden standard in the industry. In learning, what works in the classroom, most often works in an online environment as well. The learners need to be kept active and we must try our best to avoid dumping loads of information on them. They need to be ‘doing’ and not just passively ‘consuming’. Too much too fast will overload the learner’s capacity to process information. Hence microlearning units of information and tasks. This means that you can learn in small bits and returning to the material becomes effortless as you don’t have to worry about finding out where you left off in an exhausting bulk of text or in lengthy videos. 

Designing feedback can be challenging when learners take a virtual course without instructor always available. We believe that immediate feedback promotes learning, because when you can test your knowledge and get feedback from your choices, learning happens. 

We’ve been able to start testing and reiterating in about a month’s time, so this baby will see the daylight after some proper hatching. We’ll invite you to the celebration. In the meantime, stay safe and keep washing those hands, peeps!