ANSP / ATC Training Organisation

Hiring a temporary Air Traffic Control instructor or a freelancer (as our staff would actually be for you) works for organisation’s benefit in terms of efficiency. You can pinpoint workforce to where it is needed the most, and use your permanent headcount more efficiently. 

Having someone from outside your ATC Training Organisation come in and working with your staff, will also bring in new ideas and working methodologies. Engaging staff with our instructors / developers is a valuable avenue to expose them to new viewpoints and ways of working, which later on can be used when making organisational development actions.

You could well be in a situation where your Air Traffic Control units are overstaffed and forced to run some idle time. You can send selected Air Traffic Controllers to assignments, or even longer work periods through us. This will reduce your loose time and can work as a way to motivate and develop your employees with interesting and challenging work opportunities.

The Instructor

Getting experience in assignments in different ATC Training Organisations will unquestionably widen your professional views and personal horizon. You will build your field of expertise and grow your professional self. Your gains depend on your profile:

You could be an Air Traffic Controller wishing to pursue a brave new career path and throw yourself to the ATC training world. Your enjoyment comes from learning new procedures and working methods in different environments and also from the delight of seeing your trainees learn. 

Maybe you are an active Air Traffic Controller, who gets an opportunity to take some time off from operational duty and wish to spend this free time doing something purposeful. With new experiences under your belt, you would return to your unit as an improved employee.

It could also be that operational Air Traffic Controller career is over for you, and you are a retired with some fuel left in the tank. You'd get a great opportunity to pass all that wealth of knowledge, skills and experience from your career to the next generation. The satisfaction of being active, seeing Air Traffic Control trainees learn and reach those lightbulb moments is the thing that lifts your wings.

The World


Having a qualified and motivated instructor / developer staff working through an ATC Training Organisation that builds upon extraordinary Finnish educational methodology and ideology will irresistibly elevate the quality of learning for your, or your customer's trainees. Our staff will be able to bring new ideas to your Air Traffic Control organisation and also to learn from you, and then, in turn, carry this learning forward to his/her next assignment. This will cumulate assignment after assignment providing surprising value to your organisation. 

The end goal, i.e. the mission of our business, after all, is improving aviation safety. We strongly believe that training is the best vehicle to do this. Being able to pass to the Air Traffic Control trainees the technical knowledge and skills required for the job is of course necessary, but being able to ingrain trainees with right professional attitude will ultimately be the thing that propels the success of any Air Traffic Control organisation.

Our staff's cumulated experience and their ability to impart these attitudes, will slowly but surely improve any organisational working culture and make aviation safer. This happens not just in your organisation, but in ALL organisations where our staff works. And because our staff works all around the globe, our business will actually improve the world.