JUST-IN-TIME instructor services

Training of ATCOs is high stakes business. Everything needs to go right to have a trainee graduate from the academy and to succeed in validating as an Air Traffic Controller. One critical component in this process is the set of instructors working with the trainees.

Through Lektor you can hire qualified ATC instructors and assessors to fill your organisations training needs. These professionals will help you complete your training programs, so that you don’t have to worry about hiring full time employees and can keep the costs under control. From us, you can get the right instructor when you need them, for as long as you need them and where you need them.

Lektor manages a strong network of competent instructors qualified in all ratings. This network is the most flexible and optimised solution that you can find for your training requirements. They hold a broad base of experience in working in different countries, cultures and ATC units.

We are happy to discuss more about your needs and how we can help you optimise your training operation. Please contact us through filling the Contact Form or giving us a call to +358 44 77 000 82.