Lektor Mentoring Programme


Lektor Consulting Resources Finland has launched a rolling programme to touch the community of ATC organisations and ATC training instructors. In Lektor’s work we have noticed how checkered and varied the performance of ATC instructors is, even within a single academy, let alone when considering the international instructor population.

Another observation we have done is that instructors are key staff members who foster the professionalism and overall working culture in any organisation. All of organisation’s staff runs through instructors’ fingers. Great instructors can create great working environment, which leads to general workplace wellbeing and better organizational performance.


This is what we want you to achieve with this programme

This is simple enough. We want your business to run better. The programme is aimed at organisations who want to support their success by developing their key staff. The participating staff members will get to interact with Lektor’s expert mentors, who will discuss modern learners, current learning theories and most importantly, how to implement actions and behaviours in day-to-day work, which will support staff development and organisational success. In other words, the goal is to develop your people so your organisation does better.


This is what you’ll get

Each participant and organisation have their own special circumstances and needs, which will inevitably guide the interactions throughout the programme. This is why the programme is not exactly same for everyone. However, there is something we can outline for you:


We’ll start off with a remote group session with all the participating members of the your organisation. After setting the scene and initial charting of your situation, each of the instructors will have 5-7 individual sessions with Lektor mentor over the course of 6 months. The themes of these sessions will revolve around questions about motivation, creating safety, learner perception, work satisfaction, communication, instructor-leader concept etc. Also other, individual themes will be included depending on the participant. After each session the participants will get a task or a goal for the following meeting with the mentor, which will enforce the implementation of the discussed themes.


The Lektor Great Instructor mentoring programme fits organisations who:

-       understand the importance of staff development

-       look for long term success by building healthy working culture

-       are ready to question the way training has been done traditionally

-       recognise the value of their instructors for their prosperity


This is what is so special with this programme

The programme facilitates a holistic approach to organisational development through human interactions. It focuses on instructors and their trainee staff members, but the functional and human approach can deliver results to manager- and executive level staff as well. The mentors are ATC training professionals and educational experts who bring in tons of valuable international experience to the programme for your benefit.


This is what the programme costs

The pricing (VAT excluded) for the 6 month programme:

€2150 / person for 1-4 participants

€1950 / person for 5-8 participants

€1800 / person for 9 or more participants