After getting the training certification in February, Lektor was pumped to get the first courses running. We did the necessary preparations to conduct our very first STDI refresher course, called people, booked conference room, scheduled lunches, booked flights and hotels. And then, corona.
First it seemed okay. We are still a group of less than 10 persons in the same room, so that is fine. Travelling inside Europe was still ok, only China was off-limits. Then things started to tighten up. Finns were recommended not to leave the country and any Finn returning to their home country would need to quarantine themselves for two weeks. For a foreigner, getting in the country got tough, as they might not let you in if you donβt have a pressing reason for it. And my guy was coming in from abroad. Then they closed off the region of Nyland (Uusimaa), where Helsinki and Lektor are located.
This was a nut to crack. The course is planned for traditional face-to-face delivery, but the participant cannot participate due to travel restrictions. He still needs to get the refresher training done before the licence endorsement expires.
Lektor decided to request an exemption to use virtual connection for the delivery of the course. A technical solution to connect the instructor and the trainee with audio and video connection to allow for discussions and visual presentation of material.
Fortunately, Traficom, the Finnish competent authority in aviation understood the situation. They had a few very appropriate and justified concerns about how to ensure that the training objectives will be met and what methodology we would be using as per training plan. After a constructive negotiation, Lektor was given green light to go ahead with its first ever training course. And so we did.
Participant name changed to protect privacy. And it is funnier this way too!
Now the seal is broken, and the flow may begin. However, we still need to overcome the travel restrictions and limitations of people gathering to same space. This means that we need to begin a vigorous development program to create courses to be digital proof, and cooperation with the regulator for eventual approvals.
The one thing this corona virus and the restrictions it has brought worldwide has proven, is that we cannot look at the way work or training the same way again. What used to be the norm, suddenly became something impossible. This situation will disrupt the training field like it has never done before. Lektor is happy to be shaking the tree and rocking the boat.