Lektor April 2021 Newsletter

Lektor has been hard at work in April. We have been editing the videos we recorded last month. All the videos will be included on the Practical Instructor course, which soon will be available as a user-paced product.

Here is our Virtual Learning Manager, Julio in action explaining some learning theories. Click HERE to see the taster video.

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When we get all our stuff ready, it means that all the theoretical content will be accessible via Learning Management System, so that you can study ABSOLUTELY at your own schedule. You need to hook up with a live instructor only for the practical exercises and assessment. Remember - these are the ones we do on our Instructor Skills Trainer we introduced a while ago.

Then we have also introduced a new product. Lektor exists because it wants to set new standards of training excellence by developing instructors. We focus on instructors, because they are the key people in organisational development. Everyone in an organisations goes through some sort of training so the trainers have huge influence in how the working culture is, and how it is maintained.


We launched a mentoring programme, which is aimed at developing the instructors to be the ambassadors of great working and learning culture in organisations. Programme runs for six months and during that time each participating instructor gets 5-7 mentoring sessions with a Lektor educational professional. The goal of the programme is to make client’s organisation run smoother and do better business by investing in their key staff. Simple as that.

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Looks good. Feels good. Must be good.

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