This is how Lektor method rocks modern ATC Training

Lektor is a new-school Air Traffic Control Training academy which embraces modern times and moves away from dusty books, stuffy classrooms, and boring teacher-focused learning. We design training for modern learners to make sure that they succeed and become the ATC professionals they dream of being.

This is what we do differently.

Air Traffic Control Training without capacity or time restrictions

Traditionally, ATC training is delivered in a classroom where a group of students participate in a course that starts at a fixed date and lasts for a defined time. The associated time and resource constraint is often a pain for Air Navigation Service organisations when air traffic control staff needs training. The required training course may not be available at the time the ANSP would actually need it. It could mean months of waiting for a chance to get the individual on the course to complete the required training. There is a chance that during the waiting period, the endorsement may have expired, and the ANSP cannot use their resources to their full capacity prior to getting the training process completed and the staff re-validated. Or, the individual scheduled for the course may not get the required training due to e.g. sickness. This stretches the process even further.

Because of our online learning platform, and flexible course design which enables completing the courses online, the courses at Lektor are always available. The question of “when does your next course start” is not even on the table at Lektor. As a learner, you can choose to start the training at a time that best suits your personal schedule. It is your training, so you choose when to do it. This provides plenty of flexibility in the ATC Training process. 

The added capacity also extends to how many learners Lektor can allocate to their courses. With scalable learning design, there are virtually no limits to how many students can participate on a course at the same time, or at different times if that suits the purpose better. The familiar questions “how many students can you take on a course” or “do you have room for one more” are obsolete at Lektor. One or one hundred students, it doesn't matter on our courses. We want ATC training to be available for all motivated learners no matter the circumstances.

Modern learning methods support you in becoming an ATC professional

Lektor uses the latest technology and learning methodology to make sure our learners can be efficient in their studies. Our main goal is to create learning and to ensure a successful learning process. Our remote learning platform is available on all usual devices, which makes the courses easily accessible to everyone. The wide accessibility allows learners to be present on the courses from any corner of the world.

We apply different learning methods into our ATC Training, one of which is gamification. Gamification uses game aspects to motivate and activate the learner, and how it increases learning results. Read our earlier blog post to learn more about the topic.

Some of Lektor courses contain blended delivery and they include learning modules, which are run by an instructor. Discussions, presentations, virtual table-top exercises, case-studies, etc. are used to engage and activate the learner. Active learning IS better learning.

Lektor is very proud to use innovative tools in our ATC training. We have developed an interactive software solution for our Practical Instructor Training courses which we call the Instructor Skills Trainer, or IST, and it is used for the delivery of practical exercises on the practical instructor courses, and also for competence assessments. The IST provides an ATC context for the learner so that they can practise their instructional skills in a professionally meaningful environment. The exercises can simulate Aerodrome, Approach or Area Control environments, which always offers a comfortable set up available for the learner to choose from. 

The exercises run with a prescribed script in the guidance of an instructor. In the tool, the interactive traffic situations are integrated with a real-time video and audio connection between the instructor and the learner, making the learning event active, personal and engaging. Feedback from the users has been very positive, which confirms that the design truly works.

Genuinely learner-centred ATC training

Having scalable learning design and no time restrictions on the courses, does not mean that the learners would use more time to train. Because of the modern learning aspects, carefully designed learning content, and limitless capacity, learners actually learn more in less time. 

We have received awesome feedback from our ATC training course participants saying that they felt they learned more than on traditional courses and actually enjoyed doing it. They say that our course content stretches further than just the fundamental parts of training and because of the structure of the material, they completed everything in a much shorter time than they would have in a classroom. 

Lektor offers rich and relevant training material to support you. The end goal is learning and improving your skills in Air Traffic Control, not just ticking a box to satisfy a regulation.

Stress-free ATC training courses

If you start your ATC training course at Lektor, you can trust that we will not limit your progress in any way, even when there may be some difficulties on your learning path. We have the capacity to support each learner in their progress in a way that they individually need. Our goal is to ensure learning and to get everyone through the courses. This does not mean that we lower the standards in doing this. It means that we invest time in each student so that they will reach the goal. 

Lektor does not believe in stressful and pressured learning where you easily doubt your capabilities of passing the next test. In fact, stress is the enemy of efficient learning, because it reduces your capacity to absorb new information. Learning is much easier in a positive state of mind, and by trusting that you are not alone. Lektor has got your back throughout the entire training.

Our course portfolio is always improving

We sincerely believe that the only constant factor is change. That is why we are always updating our ATC training courses to serve the learner better. Our development work includes not only reviewing and updating existing courses, but also developing new ones. We work in cooperation with pedagogy experts from local universities to ensure we employ the appropriate and proven methods of digital pedagogy. Understanding the learner is crucial in designing the material and content so that it fits the mind-set of those who actually attend the course. At the moment, we are working on developing and releasing an ATC BASIC Training course. In our plans, this will be quite a game-changer, so please stay tuned to find out more.