Death of Traditional ATC Training

Are you tired of the traditional classroom format of a teacher standing in front of a chalkboard or PowerPoint? We are.

The pandemic has given educators the opportunity to experiment with new and innovative teaching methods, many of which involve digital content delivery. A recent article by Faculty Focus highlights the drawbacks of traditional lectures and the benefits of modern learning methods. As an Air Traffic Control training provider, we have embraced these modern learning methods, such as remote learning, gamification, and learner-centered learning, to provide our students with a more engaging and effective learning experience. 

In this blog post, we will dive deeper into how our modern approach can create an effective and enjoyable learning experience for our students.

The Traditional Lectures in ATC Training

The traditional lecture has been used for centuries, but it is not without its flaws. One of them is that it is a passive form of learning. Students are expected to sit and listen to the talking head sometimes for hours on end, which easily leads to boredom and disengagement. Additionally, traditional lectures are not flexible or customizable to meet the needs of individual students.

Another issue with traditional lectures is that they often rely on a one-size-fits-all approach. Instructors deliver the same lecture to every student, regardless of their level of understanding or learning style. The lecture can also vary in content and quality depending on who is delivering it. This can be especially problematic in complex subjects like Air Traffic Control, where a lack of understanding or mistakes can have serious consequences.

Modern Learning Methods for Modern ATC Learners

To address these issues, we have adopted modern learning methods that prioritize engagement, customization, and flexibility. Here are some ways we use modern learning methods.

Remote Learning

Remote learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason. By using technology to connect learners and educators, remote learning offers a more flexible and convenient way to access training.

At Lektor, we have embraced remote learning as a key component of our training approach. Our online learning platform allows Air Traffic Control students to access their course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time. This means that students can complete their training without needing to travel to a physical location, which is especially beneficial for those who live in remote areas or have other commitments that prevent them from attending traditional classes.

Remote learning also allows us to provide a more personalized learning experience to our students. By using online collaboration tools, we can offer one-on-one coaching and support that is tailored to the individual needs of each student. This can be especially valuable for Air Traffic Control students, who may have unique challenges and questions that require personalized attention from their instructors.

In addition, remote learning is more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training. By removing the need for physical classrooms, and for instructors to travel to different locations, we can offer our training at a more affordable price without compromising on the quality ofATC training. In fact, learning quality is elevated with well designed online learning packages.

Overall, remote learning offers a range of benefits for Air Traffic Control students, including increased flexibility, personalization, and cost-efficiency. By using technology to connect learners and educators, we can offer a more accessible and effective training experience that meets the unique needs of our students.

Gamification as a Part of ATC Training

We have also incorporated gamification into our courses. By gamifying our learning material, we can increase student motivation and engagement, while also providing immediate feedback and rewards for learning achievements. By making learning more fun and interactive, gamification can increase student engagement, boost retention rates, and improve overall learning outcomes.

Some of the game elements commonly used in gamification include points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges. By incorporating these elements into the learning experience, educators can create a more immersive and engaging learning environment that encourages active participation and rewards achievement.

Read more about the way we use gamification.

Active ATC Learning

Talking about engaging learning environments, our approach emphasizes practical exercises that replicate the challenges of a real-life scenario in Air Traffic Control. 

Active learning is a crucial component of our approach to Air Traffic Control training. While lectures and digital content are important, they are not enough to fully prepare students for the complexities of the job. That's why we also incorporate practical exercises into our courses, such as using our ATC simulator. This hands-on experience allows students to apply their knowledge in a realistic and challenging environment, where they can practice their skills and receive feedback.

Using the simulator is not only fun and engaging, but it's also an effective way to learn. Students are so busy working on the simulator that it doesn't feel like learning at all. By actively participating in simulated scenarios, they can develop their decision-making skills, communication abilities, and situational awareness. These are all critical skills for Air Traffic Controllers, who must be able to handle complex situations with precision and speed. Our goal is to prepare our students for success in their careers as Air Traffic Controllers, and we believe that our modern learning methods are the best way to achieve this.

Learner-Centered Air Traffic Control Training

Finally, we have embraced a learner-centered approach. This approach puts the student at the center of the learning experience, allowing them to customize their learning path to suit their individual needs.This can be especially valuable in industries like Air Traffic Control, as ATC training can be complex and time-consuming.

At Lektor, we offer scalable learning design without time restrictions on our courses, which allows learners to complete their training according to their own schedule. However, this doesn't mean that our learners spend more time training. In fact, because of our modern learning aspects and carefully designed learning content, learners actually learn more in less time.

We've received excellent feedback from our ATC training course participants, who have reported that they feel they learned more than on traditional courses and actually enjoyed doing it. Our course content extends beyond the fundamental parts of training, and because of how the material is structured, the participants were able to complete everything in a much shorter time than they would have in a traditional classroom.

Our focus is on providing rich and relevant training material that supports our learners in achieving their end goal of learning and improving their skills in Air Traffic Control, rather than just ticking a box to satisfy a regulation. By putting our learners at the center of our training approach, we can provide a more effective and rewarding learning experience that meets their unique needs and goals.


The traditional lecture may have been the standard for centuries, but it is no longer an effective approach to education for the modern learner. As an Air Traffic Control training provider, we have adopted modern learning methods to provide our students with a more engaging and effective learning experience. By embracing these new approaches, we are not only improving the quality of our training but also preparing our students for success in a rapidly changing world.