How to conduct the briefing may and will vary depending on the type of training. In simulator training phase a part of the briefing may act as a tool to introduce new subjects and the respective session objectives. This could be done simultaneously for a group of students at a time, when all the students will be working on the same exercise. Still, an individual one-on-one briefing covering the rest of the session’s details needs be completed prior to the actual simulator exercise. This is the part, where you and your student agree on the rules for that individual session.
In On-the-Job Training however, the training session needs to be adapted to the needs of the student every time. Even if there were a group of students in OJT at the same time, this type of training needs a more individual approach, and briefings should be held in private to adapt better to the individual student’s needs.
Here are three things to consider when planning a briefing session:
Time, duration and place of briefing are important aspects to consider.
Time: Arrange a briefing prior to every training session. It’s best to have it right before going into the position or simulator. If there is too long time between briefing and the actual training session, there is a chance that the plan you’ve discussed and agreed on becomes irrelevant as conditions may change. Also, student’s readiness for a training session cannot be evaluated into the future, so the student’s situation might (and will) shift as time goes by. That’s why it is important to have the briefing in close conjunction with the training session.
Place: Arrange the briefing in a private location, away from the working position. This way you are free of distractions and the conversation remains private. We want the discussions to remain trustful, which is not going to happen with an audience. If there isn’t a dedicated briefing/debriefing room at your training academy/unit, make arrangements to allow private briefings.
Duration: The duration of the briefing may vary, as long as all the required elements for said training session are covered. Normally a briefing should be considered to take some time in order for the two of you to go through everything thoroughly.
Still, sometimes a more streamlined approach may be possible. For example during OJT, a shorter briefing with only a few main items in between sessions in the position may do the trick, as long as a thorough briefing has been carried out at some point along the line. Also, when working consecutive shifts together with the same student may open the possibility for short briefings, where only changed information is taken into consideration (ie. weather and whatever other changing conditions need to be addressed). In these situations it is important that you know the student and their progress well enough to be sure a short briefing will be appropriate.
Take the time you need to complete the briefing but do not rush it. Sometimes you need more time and sometimes less. Just ensure you and the student are ready before the start of each training session!