Debriefing is equally important as the actual work done in the simulator or in the position, if not even more important. That’s why it shouldn’t be neglected, but you should really invest in it. As the briefing, debriefing also needs to be prepared, structured, timed and held in an appropriate place where you can avoid distractions.
So be prepared and use a structured approach. Take time to hold a debriefing after every training session. Use the facilities available to build a peaceful environment for your discussions. Lead the way for the student and show an example. When you take the debriefing seriously, so will your student.
What to consider?
Time: Arrange a debriefing at the end of a training session. In initial training, this means right after a training session in the sim. Don’t wait until the next day, or have ‘combined’ debriefings only after completing a certain training phase. The student needs constant feedback on their progress and by making the debriefing after a training session a habit, they will get the most out of the sessions. A good advice is to have a quick break after a session, so that you have time to go through your notes and the student can prepare themself for the upcoming debriefing.
“Let’s have a quick break and we’ll meet in the debriefing room for feedback in 5 minutes.”
In OJT, have a full debriefing at least at the end of each shift. It is also good to have quick, compact debriefings after each session in the position, when the events are still fresh in the memory. Just make sure that there is also enough time for the student to have decent breaks. This way the feedback will be timely and it will help to keep the debriefing duration at the end of the day reasonable.
Place: Arrange the debriefing in a private location, away from the working position. This way you are free of distractions and the conversation remains private. We want the discussions to remain trustful, which is not going to happen with an audience. If there isn’t a dedicated briefing/debriefing room at your training academy/unit, make arrangements to allow private debriefings.
Duration: The duration of the debriefing may vary, as long as all the required elements are covered. Normally, a debriefing should be considered to take some time in order for you to go through everything thoroughly. Still, sometimes a more streamlined approach may be necessary. For example, in between sessions in the position during OJT may be covered with a shorter debriefing with only a few main items. This shall be compensated for in the debriefing at the end of the day, though.