Services for Organisations
ATC Training / Courses
Practical Instructor (OJTI / STDI) and Assessor courses for Air Traffic Controllers available as flexible, online service. Courses are certified according to (EU) 2015/340 by Finnish Authority, Traficom.
Instructor Provision to ATC Training
Lektor manages a pool of qualified Air Traffic Control instructors with a wide international experience. They can be commissioned to work at customer site as instructors on any particular ATC training course.
CustomiSed online courses
We co-create, digitalise, develop, deliver, and manage courses with and for our clients. The contents are suggested by the clients. Typical courses include compliance training and new flight procedures.
Lektor is an expert house in the field of Air Traffic Control Training and organisational development. We are prepared to provide support for your current or future organisation in development.
Lektor is a fresh, agile and adaptable company, who is able to match its services to fit your company’s needs. Long term cooperation can creates predictable value for organisations. Contact us to discuss further.